Author: jump18
A multidisciplinary initiative to combat childhood obesity in the Caribbean
7th Annual Diabetes Run and Walk
On the 10th of November, the 7th Edition of the Annual Diabetes Run and Walk event was organized in Aruba under the expert guidance of Franz Sydow and Claudienne Fernandez. The objective of this annual event is to raise local awareness about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and how it contributes to the prevention […]
The closing ceremony of the fourth JUMP18 cohort
We want to thank Minister Endy Croes for being the guest of honor at the closing ceremony of the fourth cohort of graduates of the Jump18-Aruba Childhood Obesity Prevention Program on Wednesday, the 20th of March, 2024. Special thanks to the fantastic moderator of the day, Nurianne Arias (She/Her), Xavier University School of Medicine, the […]
Pa un bida saludabel: Diadomingo tin e di seis Diabetes Run & Walk
Dr.Busari: “No tin duda cu e programa aki ta traha y nos trabao aworaki ta con nos por provee algo a largo plaso cu por mantene.
Dr. Busari: “No tin duda cu e programa aki ta traha y nos trabao aworaki ta con nos por provee algo a largo plaso cu por mantene”
Dr.Jamiu Busari “Si nos enfoca solamente riba e sintoma y nos no enfoca ariba e problema cu problema cu ta causa e sintoma, e ora e no no ta yudando.
Dr. Jamiu Busari: “Si nos enfoca solamente ariba e sintoma y nos no enfoca ariba e problema cu ta causa e sintoma, e ora bo no ta yudando”
Eighteen children to start with the second edition of the Jump 18 project
Eighteen children to start with the second edition of the Jump 18 project
Pictures of the Closing Ceremony of the first cohort of JUMP18
Prome edicion di JUMP18 un exito completo
Diabierna anochi a tuma luga e ceremonia di clausura di e prome edicion di e proyecto JUMP18. Un proyecto cu tin como meta e bienestar saludabel di e muchanan na Aruba, reduciendo e carga di enfermedadnan asocia cu obesidad infantil. Durante e ceremonia di clausura Dr. Jamiu Busari, Project Leader y pediatra na Dr. Horacio […]
Minister Dangui Oduber: “JUMP18 – Aruba Childhood Obesity Prevention Program” a duna tremendo resultado
ORANJESTAD – Diabierna den oranan di atardi Minister di Turismo y Salud Publico Sr. Dangui Oduber tabata presente na e ceremonia clausural di e prome programa di “JUMP18 – Aruba Childhood Obesity Prevention Program” na Gloria. E ta un programa multidisciplinario den maneho di obesidad den muchanan, afilia na Horacio Oduber Hospital. JUMP18 a cuminsa […]