
Video testimonials

Written Testimonials

1. Un programa super bon balansa, e guia y informacion ricibi ta tremendo y mi yiu a gusta y tabata entusiasma pa bay train, curpa tabata keda cansa y yen dolor pero e tabata sigui motiva y contento pa bay training. – A well balanced program, the guidance and information received is great. My child liked it and was very enthusiastic to go train. After the training their body is tired and with a lot of pain, but my child stays motivated and happy to go to the training.

2. E programa a motiva mi yiu pa ta mas consiente di nan cuminda y salud. Y alabez a yuda nos como famia pa come mas saludabel. Tremendo. – The program motivated my child to be more conscious about their food and health. Moreover, it helped our family eat healthier. Fantastic

3. Mi lo conseha tur mayor cu tin un yui cu sobrepeso pa inscribi nan yui pa jump 18. E ta un manera completo pa yuda bo yui den tur aspecto. Movecion nutricion y tambe e parti psycologico cu sigur ta hunga un rol hopi grandi den sobrepeso. – I would advise all parents who have children that are overweight to sign up for JUMP18. It is a complete way to help your child in all aspects. Movement, nutrition and also the psychological part which also plays a big role when it comes to being overweight.

4. Sigur cu si. E proyecto aki ta yuda no solamente cu e problematica di sobrepeso pero tur cos den su rond. Y esaki ta precies loke nos mester. Nos no mester focus riba e peso so pero e bienestar en general di e mucha y e famia. – Yes, For sure. This project helped me not only with the problem of being overweight but also everything around it. And this is exactly what we need. We don’t need to only focus on weight but also the overall welfare of the child and the family.

5. Mi lo recomende na un otro famia sigur. E manera cu e programa ta hinka den otro, zowel consulta cu nutritionista, dokter y soc.werk. pa no solamente yuda e mucha nn baha di peso, pero tambe pa papia cu nn pa nan salud mental ta uno hopi great – I would recommend this program to other families for sure. The way that the program is put together, as well as the consultation with the nutritionist, doctor and social worker, not only helped my child lose weight but also to talk to them about their mental health is something really great.

JUMP18 Location

Program schedule

Mondays: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Tuesdays: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Wednesdays: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Thursdays: Closed
Fridays: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Saturdays: 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Sundays: Closed

Instagram Facebook

Caya Punta Brabo 17
Oranjestad, ARUBA

Telephone number +297 5676645

WhatsApp number +297 5676645

Email [email protected]